Care and Maintenance


To ensure your hair goods stays in top condition, it's important to follow good care and maintenance practices. Here are some tips:


【Brushing】: Comb hair with a wide tooth comb, starting at the ends and work your way up, using smooth and even strokes. Be gentle to avoid causing any breakage or shedding.


【Washing】: Depending on the frequency of wear and environmental factors, wash your hair every 8-15 wears or when it appears dirty or dull. Aim to shampoo and deep condition your hair at least once a week.


【Moisturizing】: Human hair extensions require regular moisturizing to keep them soft, shiny, and manageable. Use a high-quality leave-in conditioner or wig-specific moisturizing spray to hydrate the hair and minimize frizz.


【Heat Styling】: For human hair, you can use heat styling tools with caution, applying heat protectant products and using low to medium heat settings. If you desire to color your hair, it is recommended to seek the expertise of a professional hairstylist and avoid frequent coloring sessions.


【Storing】: When not in use, store the hair in a clean and dry place, preferably in its original packaging to protect it from dust and damage. Avoid storing it near heat sources or in humid environments.